Hey everyone, thanks for joining in on the Blog Hop! Did you pop over here after visiting Sam and Hailey's Designs Blog? If you did, then you are in the right place, if you didn’t, then I recommend you go back to the Paperthreads store’s main page, www.paperthreads.
But don't leave just yet! I have some goodies for you too...please read all of this post as I promise it will be worth it.
Okay admit it...sometimes you feel like pulling your hair out because you can't find that cutter file you know you have saved somewhere on that computer of yours. I am here to give you some hints that will hopefully stop your frustration. Click here to view an article on cutter file organization. I have also included category folders to easily organize your files as I have mentioned in the article. I have zipped this info...you will get a direct download to it.
I am part of the Scal-hints yahoo group. I just love all the information every one on this group shares. I learn something new every day! One of the ladies shared the link to this amazing video they found at Christmas with the Cricut's Blog on how to make a paper bow. I was so impressed with Tammy's bow I couldn't wait to make my own. I got to thinking though this would be so much easier if I had cutter file to do the measuring and punching of the holes for me. So I set about making that file. I love how my bow turned out and I want you to make one too! I am sharing the file with you. I have put all the formats in one link so you will get AI, KNK, SVG, WPC, and GSD formats in one download. I have put them on a secure server. It should download automatically. Please keep in mind I did not design this bow...Tammy from the Christmas with the Circut blog did...I only took her instructions and made some strips with holes in them for our cutters to cut.
You can download the bow file here.
You can see the video on how to make it here.
Don't leave yet. I have some blog candy for you all too!
I know it's hard to see what's in the baggies are googly eyes, dew drops and flower/snowflake irridescent sequins. The papers are all patterned paper and sized 12 x 12. I will give this away to one winner. Now for the rules.
1. In order to win you must post a comment telling me what your favorite file is in my store. You can click on my Ad at the beginning to get to my store or here. All comments must be posted before my clock at the top right of this blog hits midnight. No entries will be accepted on Sunday.
2. If you e-mail(shellysart@verizon.net)me a project using one of my files then you will get your name put in the drawing for the blog candy also. All e-mailed projects must be in my mailbox before the clock at the top right of this screen hits midnight. No entries will be accepted on Sunday. (so if you follow rules 1 and 2 then you get 2 chances to win!)
3. I will pay to ship this package to anyone in the United States. If you are outside of the US I will pay $10.00 towards shipping and you pay the rest....or you can pick which 10 of my files currently in the store you want for free and we'll pick another winner for the blog candy package.
Random.org will aid me in picking a winner and it will be announced here on my blog.
Okay before you shut you computer down for the day I do hope you head on over to my corner of the Paperthread's store for an amazing sale. I have never dropped prices this low! I am doing this because it is my 1 year anniversary with Paperthreads. I so love working there! It makes me smile soo wide and gives me a fuzzy feeling inside every time one of you buys my files. I truly appreciate all the support you've given me through this year of designing. I hope to be here for many more years. Thanks so much for purchasing my files!
Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you enjoy all the goodies you are getting during the anniversary celebration at Paperthreads!
Shelly, thanks for sharing this amazing bow. I love it.
I wish I was going to be home to play along today. Boo Hoo! But our DGD is pretty important, too. LOL
Happy Birthday to Paperthreads. I hope your party is a huge success.
Thanks for the file on organizing. I will check it out later as I have got to get my old bod to bed or I will hate myself in the AM. LOL
Oh, one of my favorite things in your store (so hard to pick just one) is your corners set because I haven't seen a file that that anywhere else. That's why I bought it.
Thanks again, my firend.
Big Hugs!
I forgot to say what a wonderful set your blog candy is. Someone is going to be so happy when they win it. I hope it's me. LOL
Big Hugs!
It is so hard to pick one favorite, Shelly. All of your files are fabulous! I will go with Birds of a Feather. That blog candy looks yummy!!! LOL
I love your spider box! You have some great files!
Hmm, I love all your files and I have most of them LOL. I think the lollipop bouquet is awesome. I can;t wait to try the spider box and the pinwheel so I am off to buy them now!
Thanks Shelly! I think that my favorite file is the the spider box, if i have to pick just one! :) I am excited about the file organizing! -vhab
Thank you for the wonderful bow. I love butterflies (3d), although you have sooo many cute files!
Thanks for the freebie file. I really liked your cutie bugs files. They are so cute.
My favorite file of yours, so far!!, is the "Build a Jack-O-Lantern! I have had so much fun with it.I will email a pic of a little something I used it for!
Thanks again for all of the great files!
Thanks for sharing this bow, I had seen it the other day on Christmas with the cricut blog. How awesome it is to have a file for it!!
Thanks for the organizing file as well, this is something I NEED to do!
You have so many great things in your store, one of my favorites right now is the spider box. Very cool!
Thanks so much for the file. I'm hoping to cut that out soon. I really like all your sports files and too your tags. It's hard to pick just one. Thanks for all you do. Pam
Thank you!
Thanks for the freebie Shelly. My favorite files are your 'Build' files because they are so versatile.
shelly - thanks so much for your files. My favorite file in the store would be Birds of a Feather. I really like your organization tips. I do have lots of folders already but might reorganize this way as then I can make sure I am not buying something twice. Unfortunately I have Vista and can't seem to find where to put file details. Will keep searching. Thanks again.
Love the bow Shelly, thanks for sharing it. Think this will come in handy, a lot. Great organization tip. You've been looking in my window haven't you. LOL. Love the blog candy as well. But I have trouble picking just one file to be a favorite. love the build a files. So many ways to use them. Oh the buttons are cool too. But I do really love your flowers, all of them (box too). Thanks for all. Games
Thanks for the great bow. I think I'll have to make a few of these up to have on hand.
My favorite of your files right now is the spider box. I think I'll have to go shopping.
Thanks for the tips on organizing files--mine are a mess and I keep thinking ONE DAY I will get to it. Now I'm a step closer! I love your new spider box file--so cute!!!
Hi Shelly making my way thru the blog hop. It is fun. My favorite file a sweet collection I bought it some time ago. THere are so many things you can do with these. I have alot of your files so there are lots I love Suzanne G
Thanks for that great bow file and my favorite file of yours is 3-Butterflies.
Felicia P.
You have so many cute files - hard to pick just one, but really like the Notepad with Cover one. This hopping has been so much fun today - thanks for everything!!
the bow rocks ! How neat! Thanks for putting in your time on it! Good luck with the party at Paperthreads!
Thank you for sharing the bow file!!
It's hard to chose a favorite file because I like SO many of them! But, right now I think that spider box is about the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Happy Birthday to Paperthreads!
Rhonda R
Thank you for the darling bow. I can't wait to try it! Also, thanks for the info for the organization. As a newbie to the Silhouette, I'll take all the tips and tricks I can.
I checked out your store, and I must say that picking one thing is really tough. I think my absolute favorite is the binder clips! I love them, and I've never seen a gsd file for them. You are an artist!
Thanks for the chance to win!
thanks for the file
My favorite file is the 3D Butterflies.
Have a great day.
Thanks for the bow file! All of your files are great, but I'm going to say the Build a Wreath is one of my favorites. It's so versatile! Thanks again!
Thank you for the bow freebie. I love it! My favorite file in your store is the 3-d butterflies. Have a great day1
Thanks for the bow file. You have so many cool files in your store, it was hard to pick one. I finally decided on 70's Outfit with Accessories.
Thanks for the free bow file...great blog you have
pick one favorite file? are you kidding? I like so many of yours. but here are a couple that I've worked with recently. Build a Wreath and All Purpose Sentiments.
Shelly, thanks for the bow file, and all that other info. Soooo helpful. I love all of your files, but the latest one I love is the spider box, and also the cutie bugs. They are just adorable. Gina
My favorite is the Friendly Scarecrow file. It's too cute!
Wow! It's hard to pick only ONE favorite file - you're a great designer! I am soo pumped to study the file organizing - sooo what I need (and for some reason I haven't found much about it out there. . .) Thanks!!!
I guess the one that stands out right now is the Think Spring. The flowers are gorgeous!!!
Good Job! Thanks for the bow and the fun games!
Carole H.
Thanks for sharing. I love the monkey invite. My DD loves monkeys. I could easily use this for one of her parties.
Oh, Shelly, NOT FAIR! There is NO way I can tell you what my favorite file is...I have SO many! OK, but if I HAVE to, I adore your "build a" files...I'd say either the jack-o-lantern, the wreath or the snowman. ARGH, I can't pick JUST ONE! Not fair, not fair! ROFLOL
Thanks for the freebie. Gee, that's two today I don't have from you...one from the challenge and one from the blog hop! WHOA, MY lucky day on MY birthday, too! ROFLOL
What a awesome bow. I want to go and make some now for my christmas gifts. Thank you for sharing. Also thank you for the file on organizing.
My favorite files that I don't have of yours are: Build a Jack O Lantern and Doin the Happy Dance. I just couldn't decide between these two.
Hi Shelley,
I love your files, I have purchased several of them. I guess my favorite of the moment is the snowflake with the angels and the people.
I'll have to check your file organization tips and best wishes to you for the next year.
Thank you so much for the organization hints. I really need to read them. And thank you for creating the cutter file for the bow.
I love the 3-D butterflies but it is not fair you have so many nice files to just pick one
Thanks for sharing! I LOVE your Build-A-Wreath file set!
Hi Shelly! I love all of your files! I couldn't choose between 3... Birds of a Feather, Notebook edge files and Playful flowers, Leaves and Branches. I guess if I HAD TO choose, I would pick.. ummm.... I don't know. Thanks for the freebie bow! Happy Birthday Paperthreads! XOXO, Lynn B
Ilove your file of the first visit to the dentist the best
Thanks for the game and freebie
I love the 3D butterflies.
My fav file is birds of a feather--use that file all the time! Thanks for sharing the bow--I love so many of your files!
I'm loving the new cupcake file you made! Thanks!
Very pretty thank you, love the colors you used on this bow.
Lori m
I love the 3D butterflies you have created ~ they're awesome.
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