Tuesday, June 24, 2014

It's officially Summer!

Hi everyone!  Well it's here..Summer is officially here!  School has been out for roughly 3 weeks now and my kids assumed when school let out that it is Summer.  So the other day my daughter looked on her calendar and was soo surprised to see that Summer had just official started.  So ...with Summer comes warmer weather (although it has been quite mild lately..not that I am complaining) and thus I dug out some of my Summer files and put them in my store.  I hope you can find a use for them.  If so please click on the previews below to be taken directly to them in my store.

For the boys:

Now the girls:
I think the tickets above would be perfect for Project Life.  I have never done this type of Scrapbooking before but the concept does seem quick yet creative.  I have oodles of photos from previous years to scrap.  So I purchased a pack of Design A protectors and once I get my photos organized I will attempt a page.  Any hints would be appreciated.  I don't plan on doing the photo a day concept rather scraping events like birthdays, sports ect.

I am trying to get the kids into some sort of routine for Summer.  I really wanted to figure out a good chore system.  Last year I did chore cards, tickets and prizes but it all seemed too complicated so this year I came across this system on Pinterest.  Kierste featured Popsicle sticks with Washi Tape on each stick.  A different design for each kid.  The chores get written on the stick and that way they know what is required from them by pulling the sticks out of the jar.  I'm anxious to try this.

My son Tyler left for Scout camp this morning.  He has to stay for 4 days and is soo nervous.  I am glad he put on a brave face and didn't cry when I dropped him off.  I know if he can get over his fear he will have fun.  Plus if he doesn't do this he can't advance on to Boy Scouts.  So I'm praying and keeping my fingers and toes crossed he will succeed and have fun!

Okay gotta go!  Enjoy the rest of your week!  Thanks for stopping by!


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