Monday, July 25, 2016

SAF: Starry Night with Amy Sheffer

The next challenge I got to participate in was the one where Amy Sheffer shows us how to create our very own starry night masterpiece using inks and paint. 

Amy makes everything look so effortless in the video but I did struggle a bit.  I am pretty happy with the way my starry sky background turned out but I did have some harsh lines from the foam ink blending tool that didn't go away when I added water.  I definitely want to try this process again using my beloved clarity stencil brushes.  My trees turned out horrible!  In the future I will draw these in with a black marker.  I also had trouble with the thread nest.  Couldn't get that darn thing to wind off the spool nicely.  I ended up wrapping it around the acrylic paint bottle to try and get a semi-circular shape.  Don't you just love those sequins!  I have a wonderful PTI forum friend to thank for those jewels!  I used PTI's Inspired by Faith stamps and dies.

Thanks for looking!  Please come back again!


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