This weeks Make it Monday video over at Papertrey Ink involves adding color to cover plates. Check out the great video by Laura Bassen here!
I only have one cover plate die. I bought the PTI's Text Block: Birthday die. I had yet to use it so it was fun to have an excuse to get it out.
I got the color scheme from the latest Color Throwdown challenge. (I have another card that showcases these colors better so I'll share that card tomorrow.) I decided to use MIM # 204 Watercolor Smooshing to add color to the cover plate. I have always wanted to try this technique and it actually was quite fun! I used watercolor paper to prevent a lot of warping. I thought these colors reminded me of the beach so I made some "waves" using PTI's scallop die from the Nostalgic Notions kit. I was going for a masculine looking card so I forced myself not to add any more embellishments. All in all I think it turned out pretty well since I am terrible at masculine cards.
Thanks for looking! Please come back again!
Papertrey ink Make it Monday #216
Sunday, July 05, 2015
color throwdown, make it monday, masucline birthday card, papertrey ink
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