Friday, February 18, 2011

It's time for Customer Appreciation Day which means 50% off all my designs.

I am thrilled to be working for Paperthreads as I think it's a wonderful place to be.  However, it would not be that great if it weren't for wonderful customers like you.  We wanted to give you all a special treat to thank you for shopping with us through the year.  You will find my entire store on sale for 50% off  (excludes quarterly membership club) now through Monday Feb 21, 2011 EST.  Click here to go shopping.  Before you leave though...I have a little more gabbing to do!  LOL!

Some of the Paperthreads forum members inquired about the store not having a quarterly membership currently running.  I love making people happy and so by request I will start a quarterly membership club beginning next month.  It really is a great deal as you get at least 20 files (I will most likely throw in a few extra) for only $10.00.  That is a fraction of the price if you were to buy them individually.  Plus you get the files before they anyone else sees them.  How cool is that!  So hurry on over to my store and purchase my membership by clicking here.  I just know you won't regret you did.  Also, if there is anything in particular you would like me to design for the membership please let me know.

Just for your FYI both of the Ad above were created using my Spring Splendor Digital Scrapbooking Kit.  It is a great steal at less than $3.00 for a huge kit!  The great thing about kits like these is you can use the kit over and over again and it's a breeze to print multiple copies of layouts for family and friends.  Click the words above the preview below if you would like to purchase.

Spring Splendor

I know Valentine's Day is over but I still have a Valentine designed by my team member Kelly that was just too cute not to share.  She used my Perfect Match Card.  Maybe you can get some ideas for next year...check it out below.

The embossing folder Kelly used is called conversation hearts.  This card and that folder were a match made in heaven don't you think?!  LOL!  Sorry I just couldn't resist!  Great job Kelly!

I just realized I never shared the kids Valentine for Daddy.  I made Adoree's but Tyler had fun making his.  We used Laury's wonderful Lots of Hugs file.  I do apologize as I know the photos aren't very good but here are some details.  For Adoree's I used a sheer white ruffled trim with silver beads embedded in the trim to decorate the heart and sleeves of the shirt.  I also put some Stickles glitter glue on her nails.  I used liquid pearls to make a necklace.  The charm on the necklace was made from my Valentine Set file..cut with plain paper then embossed with several layers of silver embossing powder until it looked like metal.  Tyler choose all of his own paper and how everything was placed.  I love how he offset the hearts!  He added some glittery sand to the front too.  Oh and hubby had a mustache (well some of the time at least).  So in Adoree's photo she has a mustache made of Nutella (hazelnut spread).  Too cute!  You can click on the photos to make them larger if you desire.

Adoree I decided to make some Valentine cookies while Tyler was at school.  I had a refrigerated roll of cookie dough ready to expire.  Tyler had bought some heart sprinkles because he thought he would need them to take a treat to school but instead was instructed to bring juice.  Anyway, Adoree was in charge of you think she put enough on?!  LOL!

Be sure to check back tomorrow as I'll have a freebie file for you and some amazing projects to share.  I'll also be hosting a fun challenge on the forum.  I'll have some blog candy to give away at some point too.    Many of the other Paperthreads designers are having freebies and hosting challenges sure not to miss out on the fun!

Have a great weekend!  See ya tomorrow!


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Shelly said...

Oh too cute, love how the Valentines turned out! Adoree and Liv put their sprinkles on the same way, nice and high...I love it!

Sue aka barracudasue said...

I love, love, LOVE the valentine's the kids had for their daddy. They are just the cutest!

Adoree and her sprinkles! TOOOOOO funny! She looked like she had a blast!

Kelly's "Perfect Match" IS perfect! Great job, Kelly! You have an incredible design team there, Shelly!

Can't wait to see what all you gals have in store for us for the CAD. Thanks so much from me to you!

Sue aka barracudasue said...

BTW, I purchased your membership as soon as it was in the Store! I can't wait until March! :)