Monday, January 31, 2011

Last day 30% off my designs, CDT projects and chaninmail jewelry.

Today is the last to cash in on my store wide sale.  Hurry on over to get 30% off all my designs.  Click here
I do apologize for not getting any new files in the store.  I'm not sure where all my time went.  I guess all the 2 hour delays, snow days and the kids and I getting got the best of me!  I'm hoping February will prove more productive.  I do  have two files just about keeping my fingers crossed nothing prevents me from getting these and more files into the store.

Bless my creative design team members...even when I fail to produce they still crank out lots of great stuff using my older files in creative ways!  Check out their projects below!

First up check out what Shelly did to my Winter Tic Tac Holders.  She gave them a makeover and now they are all ready for Valentine's Day!  She simply added the heart button from my buttons galore file to show how much love these friendly characters can give!  Wasn't that brilliant of her!  Kids will love this!

If you would like to make your own Valentine Tic Tac holders click on the words above the previews below.

Winter Tic Tac Holders

Buttons Galore
Oh and in case you need a tic tac holder that is more traditional..never fear I have that too!

I Love You Tic Tac Holder

Next up I have an adorable layout by CDT Lisa Lindesmith.  I used to shy away from one photo layouts thinking one photo could never depict my story.  However, in this photo it's easy to see the love and how precious this little one is.  Any more photos would be distracting.  Great job Lisa!  Lisa too used my heart button from my Buttons Galore file and enhanced it with a tiny bow and charm.  The title came from my Clothes Line Baby Boy Card.

See I told you this layout was adorable!  I have to be honest when I designed this card file...I never ever thought to use it in a layout.  I'm glad you guys did because its perfect!  If you need a baby card or layout title click on the words above the previews below.

Clothes Line Baby Boy Card

Clothes Line Baby Girl Card

I was looking for the perfect gift for a friend of ours that has been like a mother to my children.  Since our family doesn't live around here she often helped watched our kids when we truly needed her to.  I don't know what we would do without her!  So I knew I wanted a handmade gift for her.  She is a jewelry lover and I had planned on making her some jewelry.  I discovered a wonderful shop that sold chainmaille jewelry kits. is similar to the vest and such they used to make way back when but some much more sophisticated. I have made jewelry in the past but nothing like is made of tiny rings positioned in various ways.   I did take a quick photo before giving her the gift.  Sorry it's not that great...might want to put your sunglasses on because of the glare!

I got the kits for the jewelry from the UnkamenSupplies.  They have the most amazing color and variety of rings.  The rings are all handmade and coated to prevent tarnishing.  I chose navy and silver that way I figured my friend could wear this anytime she wears denim.  (BTW..she loved this gift and said it looked too complicated to be handmade...really it's not that hard!) Let's see the bracelet is a kit found here.  The pendant is found here.  I made the earrings using leftovers from the two kits.  The best thing about these earrings is that I can take off the navy/silver decoration and put a different one on to match a different necklace or outfit.  You can find these interchangeable leverbacks here.  This is a family owned business and they truly do care about their customers.  The kits come nicely packaged in tins with screw on caps..perfect for gift giving!  Being new to chainmaille I did have a few problems with the instructions but they remedied the situation wonderfully and even sent me a FREE bracelet kit for my troubles!  I have not put this together yet but when I do I will be sure to share it.  I am waiting to save up some money to get their professional pliers.  These are sooo worth the money!  I used what I had on hand to make the pictured set and by the time I was done my hands were numb.  The ones you can buy from Unkamen are professionally prepped so they don't scratch the rings.  I have very large hands and so I need the larger pliers.  I love making chainmaille jewelry and intend to buy more things off of Unkamen!

Tyler gets out of school early today too so I'd better get some things done before he gets home.  Oh just your kids fight constantly?  Adoree gives Tyler a hug when he gets home from school and says she missed him but from then on all they do is fight!  I hope someday they figure out how to get along!

Have a great week!  Stay warm!  Say it with me...NO MORE SNOW...NO MORE SNOW!

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Anonymous said...

Think that chanting will work? NO MORE SNOW!

Sue aka barracudasue said...

SHELLY---you did an AMAZING job on that jewelery! It's gorgeous! If you ever want to make more and give it away....ROFLOL

Your CDT is amazing, too! Shelly is INCREDIBLE and that LO of Lisa's is just as precious as it could be! You picked some great gals for your team!

I'm still not over that jewelery! It ROCKS! :)