Friday, December 17, 2010

Last Minute Christmas Sale 40% off all my designs and new Christmas tic tac holder

Okay I'll admit it...every year despite my best efforts...I'm scrambling to put last minute gifts together.  This year is no different.  I do have most of the physical shopping done thanks to the great miracle of internet shopping!  However, I still have a few gifts that need to be hand done.  So if  you are like me and still need few little somethings to make before next Sat then head on over to my store here and cash in on my sale. 
Do you need some inspiration?  Check out some projects of my fab projects by my wonderful creative design team!

Oh but first I'm dying to share with you the latest addition to my store.  It's a moose tic tac holder complete with ornaments hanging from his antlers.  This one is for you Deb! Check him out below.  Click on the words above Mr. Moose to purchase him. 

Moose Tic Tac Holder

I have 4 more in the works.  I'm afraid we just had soo many holiday festivities that I haven't gotten a chance to finish them.  Hopefully I'll get to them on Sunday....hmmm I need to get Xmas cards sent out soon too huh!  Tomorrow hubby graduates from college with his Bachelor's degree.  He has an Associates but went back for his Bachelors while working full time.  Not an easy task when you have kids and a household to run.  We are very proud of him!  The kids are thrilled that he finally doesn't have any Daddy can play!

Do you need a quick little gift for co-workers?  Lisa has the perfect solution.  She made these adorable treats using my Chocolate Nugget Treat Purse file

I love how Lisa used the shaped brads to complete the purses!  If you would like to make your own purses click on the words above the preview.  It's a great steal at less than $2.00.  As you can see it will take you through all your holiday needs all year long.

Next up we have a great little card made by CDT Shelly M using my Swirly Ornaments and Christmas Sentiments file. 

I love the inking Shelly did and also the little jewels she decorated the tree with.  If you would like to copy Shelly's design and get those cards in the mail..please click on the words above the preview to purchase.

Swirly Ornaments
Christmas Sentiments

I promised to share with you a picture of our Christmas tree.  I do have one but it's not the greatest photo.  I normally mess with various settings to get a good photo but just didn't bother with that just yet.   Now remember this is the tree the kids decorated...Tyler is pretty tall so I didn't have much I had to do!  I just held my arms behind my back and waited patiently while they clustered ornaments and left bare spots!  Oh well they had fun! 

I wrapped up presents and put them under the tree while the kids were sleeping.   It was soo funny Adoree woke up to find the presents there the next morning.  She was all concerned because she said Santa didn't have any room to put his presents under the tree so she started stacking the presents elsewhere!  Silly girl!  Yikes it's late.  We'd better get these kids to bed as we have a big day tomorrow.

Happy Holidays....have a merry weekend!

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Sue aka barracudasue said...

SHELLY---I love, love, LOVE your moose tic tac holder and bought him yesterday! Between you and Laury, my bank account is steadily going down! JK!!!!!!

You did GOOD by picking ShellyPop for your design team. She creates THE most WONDERFUL projects EVER! Your entire design team is SO creative!

Congrats to your DH for getting his bachelors degree. That is WONDERFUL! Congrats to you and the kids for towing the line while he did his homework. ROFLOL

I adore the tree! Tell Adoree and Tyler they did an excellent job in decorating it! I LOVE IT!!!!!! It's SO creative...just like Mom! ;) TOO FUNNY that Adoree rearranged the presents! I literally LOL! She's a trip!

Blessed everything to you and yours. Love you, girl!

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE that moose tic tac holder. I cut everything out last night, but I am sure Sue will still beat me to the gallery. I can't wait to see what else you have made..... Gina

Deb C said...

ah Shelly that Moose is so cute
good thing I stocked up on tic tac christmas packs a few weeks ago went to get more when I saw the moose and wally mart was out of them
can hardly wait until the other ones come to the store bet they are cute (but if you don't have time before Christmas - it will give a start on next one)
Hope you are having fun with the kids
It is such a wonderful time with little ones - that I miss
(you could have the elves visit- I used to leave hersey kisses on the stairs going to the bedrooms and they would find them in the morning - would tell them the elves were checking up on them and they had been helping clean up after themselves during Christmas week - it worked for years)