Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Monkeys have arrived in my store and SCAL users I have something for you!

Hello everyone,
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend! It seems like weeks when you have a day off actually last longer then regular full weeks. Go figure! I guess it's because you have to squeeze a more work into a shorter work week!

As you can see above I'm excited to tell you I now offer SVG files separated by color for all the SCAL and Circut users out there. I will be offering all new files I put in my store at Paperthreads in SVG format. If you see something already in the store you would like in SVG format please click here to put in a request and I will convert the files for you ASAP.

I have a whole slew of monkey files in my store I designed for my daughter's 2nd birthday party. I had so much fun making these and I hope you will too. Click on the previews to see the items in my store. All these files are ready to purchase in SVG, AI, GSD, WPC and KNK formats.

If you'd like to personalize your birthday banner with the party person's name or age then check out the files below. They use the same font as the birthday banner charms. Click on previews to see them in my store. Oh and there is no need to request these in SVG format. They are ready to go into the store in SVG format any day now.

If you like what you see and want to purchase all my monkey files. Just click on the preview to purchase the whole collection at a discounted price.

Also coming soon to my store is my very first CU okay digital scrapbooking template. I'm very excited to offer this soon and will have more in the future. I will also be offering this in a digital cutter format too.

I should get to bed soon but I promised you some photos of my daughter's second birthday party. She had a blast! I can't believe she is 2! I guess it's time to start potty training!

Aren't these cupcakes adorable. They are made with mini vanilla wafers for the ears and a large vanilla wafer for the face plus red and black icing. They are banana flavored with chocolate icing. Yummy! I got the idea from the following blog. Thank you!

Adoree was such a lucky birthday girl. She got soo many gifts! Not only did she get a bunch of baby dolls but also a pack and play to put them in. Her brother claimed the tent and bubble mower...yep they'll be fighting over those for sure! Mommy is happy she now has Summer clothes to wear! Now only if it would get warm again! Oh in case you are wondering what that bucket is that kissing Elmo is sitting's the coolest thing! It is a wheel barrow of sorts for kids. They can help you in the garden pulling weeds and then place them in this bucket with wheels and a handle that rolls easily. We got it at Wal-Mart.

This face Adoree is making is priceless. She often did this when she opened a gift she liked..."ohh cups" she said. Who knew a bunch of disposable cups with straws would make her so happy!

The above photo just cracks me up! We had bought Adoree a monkey shirt, the hat and sunglasses for her party. She had her arms out posing like a movie star! She is so comical at times!

Well it's past my bed time so I'll say good night and catch up with you all later!

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Elizabeth said...

She is so cute, glad Adoree had a great birthday party.

The new files ARE SO ADORABLE. Now I wonder if Sam would like to have a monkey birthday party... hummm at what age do they grow out of fun stuff like this??

Caroline said...

Adoree looks as though she had a wonderful time, and our new files are fabulous!

Elizabeth said...

check it out, I gave you an award :)