Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Scrapbook Cafe's Sat Night Challenge-school supplies

Here is my contribution for Scrapbook Cafe's Sat night challenge. My son needed to get his Preschool supplies labeled before tomorrow and since I was short on time I decided to make the tags digitally. I'm glad I went this route because he chose to use lots of glitter!

This first one used a template by Jeni at Scrap Matters you can see more info and pick up the template here. It worked great as a tag on my son's folder and a laminated one on his bag.

This one uses a tag from Carrie's Creations playful tags file, rocket from her blast off space ship super pack (AI version imported into PSE). This was used to label his pencil box and construction paper pad. I just love how he is riding in the rocket ship!

Both tags used a collaboration kit from Kami's blog, Pineapple Plantaion's blog and Scrap Orchard blog called Out of this world I just love this kit and it was perfect for the space theme my son picked out.

Below you can see everything put together.


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Shelia said...

Oh, Shelly your son is adorable. Mine are all grown (all 5 sons) but I remember the first days of school so vividly. The tags are outstanding.

Anonymous said...

Great frames!! Your son is such a cutie!!

Allison @ Allie Browns Layouts said...

Super cute! I love it! I'm glad that I could be of help!