Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mowing Leaves-layout for Scrapbook Cafe's challenge

I designed this digital layout for Scrapbook Cafe's Sat. night challenge. I really like the way it turned out! I have become addicted to digital styles, actions and templates lately so I was excited to use some of the ones I had found!

Digital kit is from Lori Cameron-Falling for You
Template from Celine #7
Lawnmower is from Shirley Clark's digital cutter file Spring is Here (imported into PSE)
Atomic cupcake transparency action used for the title (oh and BTW I have PSE 6.0 and this did of course work with my version you just need to change the PSD file to a PNG file before installing the action)

Thanks for reading and looking!

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Corina said...

love the depth!! Great colors!

Shelia said...

This is awesome.

Lori Cameron said...

This is beautiful! I love how it turned out! Thank you for sharing it with me!!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic layout!! Thanks for playing!

Shirley said...

I nominated you for the Love Your Blog Award! See my blog for details!
