Thursday, June 05, 2008

First digital layout and companion cut and paste, new scallop file in my gallery

I did it! My first digital layout! I wanted to enter the Becky Fleck Pagemap contest but was crunched for time so I decided to try my hand at this digital thing. It was so easy and the results are amazing. I wish I had a 12 x 12 printer then I could do many more digital pages and get my scrapbooking actually caught up. I didn't win the contest but had fun in the process. I plan on making some digital layouts and printing them in a smaller format for Xmas presents.

Here is the cut and paste version for my daughter's scrapbook. I used my own files scallop circle with holes available at my gallery at Cuttersmarket and the title is my own design. I used Buttefly Design's oh so versatile borders, borders and more borders file available at Paperthreads (the light blue border is her file). I delete the circle part of the border before cutting and tucked half of the border under my patterned paper creating a mini scalloped edge. Once again I used my beloved dew drops, primas and even a silk flower I colored brown with fluid chalk, crocheted flower, a brad and rick rack. I took photos of my daughter in various clothing colors. This was the only orange one and it was just too cute not to scrap.

Gotta eat supper! Thanks for looking! Have a great evening!

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